My first fork in the road is likely JKL vs GAS. You can click units to filter squads by that unit. 6 Seen 48 Win % 100% Avg 55. Mustafar S1 - LV, SLKR, SEE, GI, DS CM and Fleet Guide - Rise of the Empire ROTE TB P1 | SWGOH. let rey kill herself slowely. 10. 4K Arena and Character Strategy. Geos are very good at cleaning up most of the GLs, and should work very well against JML. CG_Tusken_Meathead. View The Illustrious Mechanics. GAS vs Malgus, Raddus vs GI, Omi Zorii vs Hondo, Executrix vs Executor + More! 5v5 Counter Testing. by the time she used the "hey everyoen is imortal" you should have a bunch of your ultimate charged. Reply Qnemes. C. Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Database · SWGOH. Xaereth Prevails. Same price. Barris is often used for beating SLKR, and she's fine at 5. Hux Oppressive Fire Rey - hopefully now in damage immunity. Zam and Nute are G12. Rey is Rey, R2, C3 at relic; BB8 and both Finns at G12. Viewing the 99th percentile of occurances. pablorodm89 • 5 mo. How to Easily Beat Tier 6 of the Galactic Legend Supreme Leader Kylo Ren Event | SLKR | SWGOH How to Easily Beat Tier 6 of the Galactic Legend Supreme Leader Kylo Ren Event | SLKR | SWGOH. Jabba DONE, plus Relic FEST on B1 and. GG account so people can see how close you are to either. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright. GAC S eason 41 - 3v3. Win %. SLKR (L), Hux, DR, DM, BSF. IT vs DR, JKL vs Rey and Other Fun Battles! SWGOH - GAC! I Use My New Favorite JMK Counter! IT vs DR, JKL vs Rey and Other Fun Battles! SWGOH - GAC!. Awesome!About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators. Leaders are filtered separately. 2:51:11 - Imperial Troopers vs Traya 2:55:30 - No Regerts (But Definitely Regrets) 2:55:52 - Savage vs Resistance 2:58:42 - Phasma vs Nightsisters 3:01:49 - Palpatine vs Kylo 3:06:42 - Big Sad 3:13:57 - Main Account Grand Arena 3:17:24 - GAS vs Malgus 3:21:56 - SLKR vs Lord Dodger 3:27:45 - I love dodges 3:30:36 - JMK vs Rey. 92% – all 6-dot mods, Abilities 1-2-3-3-3-3-2. ago Just did one in TW SWGOH Supreme Leader Kylo Ren Counters. GGA tool that shows you the best way to farm a ship's shards and gives an estimate of the amount of time it will take to do so. AhnaldT101 ando90 APGAINS. JML Counters - SWGOH Tips. -35 Developer Q&A Archive. Supreme Leader Kylo Ren. GLOW, GAS, CAT, GK, and C3-P0 worked excellent. AhnaldT101 ando90 APGAINS Biscuit Weazel. COMING SOON Last: 2023-03-11. There are not a lot of results for this data slice. Less than one week after the launch of this new content by Capital Games, new content that only applies to less. MJ is fine at R5, but you want Palp at R7 for SEE. GGStun wat first with Han, tank tech to SLKR. From my experience, the SLKR that can get ultimate first, wins. . Galaxy of Heroes SWGOH – Road Ahead 07/2021 ¡Lord Vader, Maul, el Ejecutor y reliquias 9! VictorJPerico. Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Database · SWGOH. As ahnalds stream just showed, GAS can beat SLKR 1v5 even after the rest of the 501st have died. For JKR lead, most videos show tank tech going on SLKR first, not weapons tech on DR first, however my experience has shown the latter more reliable - either option should work with satisfactory reliability though: Wat weapons tech. 100 posts Member. Follow us on Twitter!If you're looking to chat about events, rumors, and SWGoH - join our Discord. The overlapping ship reqs also make it really easy to follow up with an Executor of your own right after. gg or in-game. Both work at a high success rate, but you can lose if JKR marks BSF at the beginning. Create your own SWGOH Avatar! Upload the photo you want and then zoom, rotate and crop your photo until it. Should I switch and go jabba. 2% Admiral Raddus. Use Stasis Strike to stun GAS with SLKR, Hux feed TM to him and use Furious Onslaught to remove protection from the clones. 1K Individual Events. 5v5 GAC. SWGOH Sith Eternal Emperor Counters. We haven’t seen Luke or Palpatine in any PvE setting yet, but I doubt they will be better than SLKR. The only advantage SEE has is that he can 2-man other GL comps (other than SLKR) in GAC (so better banner counts). SWGOH - GAC 129 - Round 2 | SLKR vs Jabba (3v3) FurtiveShadow99. SLKR Stastic Strike Finn or Poe - hopefully now in damage immunity (or even better, dead) Similar pattern to above, but try to get all three in damage immunity at the same. 4 Seen 1243 Win % 93. HOW TO UNLOCK MALICOS AT 4. Pretty sure for a consistent win rate you need FOO in the line up and you want him to be faster than Hux. 852 views 5 hours ago. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright. Embo seems to do well on defense (slightly better than Boba), while on offense undermanning it with 4 seems to be the best way to maximize banners. In Defense Of Jabba SWGOH. GAC S eason 28 - 5v5 Season 41 - 3v3; Season 40 - 5v5; Season 39 - 3v3; GAC Insight Search You can click units to filter squads by that unit. Jmk and cat beats lv maul. If a new one is found, CG will just rewrite kits again to kill it. Leaders are filtered separately. 33:52 - Greatest Modless SEE in SWGoH 39:42 - Palpatine vs Padme 45:20 - Bossk vs Phasma 48:40 - Savage vs Grievous 52:13 - Out of Teams 54:00 - Main Account Grand Arena 59:19 - GAS vs Malgus. Today’s datacron to review is the Projecting Power datacron, the 5th set of datacrons in the game’s history. 39:10 - Aurra vs Beskar Trashdo 46:40 - Luke Nukem vs Rey 1:04:09 - Vader vs SEE 1:09:52 - Finn vs Dooku 1:14:44 - Sith Eternal Gucci Beskar Solo vs SLKR 1:23:38 - Beskar Trash vs CLS 1:27:52 - Jawas vs Geos 1:33:22 - SEE Cleanup Crew 1:44:00 - Finalizer vs Relic 8 Rebels Fleet 1:48:49 - Holdo vs Finalizer Fleet 1:57:05 - Max. SWGoH - 3v3 SLKR NS (zombie Acolyte) vs JMK CAT —Voir ou vous abonner à la chaîne : 19, 2020 11:02PM. 5 Seen 75 Win % 100% About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright. Leaders are filtered separately. The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Bachelor Sister Wives 90 Day Fiance Wife Swap The Amazing Race Australia Married at First Sight The Real Housewives of Dallas My 600-lb Life Last Week Tonight with John. Ally code is 631-697-712, you can look at my acc on swgoh. Support the Channel: say hello on the Discord Server. com. For LV: Bad batch is low, as is Embo and Tusken. GAC S eason 41 - 3v3. GAS can take JML and sometimes Rey, but that's about it. GAC Insight You can click units to filter squads by that unit. Try removing the cutoff (sets sort to "Seen")Aphra Mental Mess Up vs Jabba! JML vs Traya & Savage Ugh! GAC! SWGOH! Facing 12Mil GP! Aphra Mental Mess Up vs Jabba! JML vs Traya & Savage Ugh! GAC! SWGOH!. Viewing the 99th percentile of occurances. JML beats SLKR. GAC S eason 41 - 3v3 Win % GAC Insight You can click units to filter squads by that unit. SWGOH Commander Luke Skywalker Counters Based on 18,155 battles analyzed during GAC Season 41. 2% Finn Counters Seen 17731 Edit: to be clear its not just JML that I am curious about that was only an example, I just wondered if there was a resource anywhere like the counter graphics or sites. 92% – all 6-dot mods, Abilities 1-2-3-3-3-3-2. 1 1. Vs JKR lead with hYoda instead of wat - use KRU instead of Han . What's the point. SWGOH GAC Counters SWGOH GAC Ship Counters Who To Attack Top GAC Squads Top GAC Leaders GAC Leaderboard Scan Player GAC Insight (Beta) GAC Navigation SWGOH Jedi Master Kenobi Counters Based on 5,201 battles analyzed during GAC Season 41. The 3v3 match up of SLKR vs SLKR depends a lot on 1. . . SLKR and sith can take down Luke pretty consistently. Pxwer. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators. 00:45:30. 2200 crystals for another 20 shards is HORRIBLE and ever since Proving Grounds has come out it is still one of CG's worst ideas for players to work in Conquest characters they may have. It takes 50 salvage, 20 holo projectors and 50 chiewabs. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright. 0. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators. Upcoming Conquest Data Disks and Feats. PSA. Seen. When To Farm SLKR? SWGOH Home; Search; Live; Content Creators; Smaller Creator Videos; Podcasts; Recent Videos; Trending Videos; CONTENT CREATORS. SWGOH GAC Counters SWGOH GAC Ship Counters Who To Attack Top GAC Squads Top GAC Leaders GAC Leaderboard Scan Player GAC Insight (Beta) GAC Navigation SWGOH Qui-Gon Jinn Counters Based on 25,156 battles analyzed during GAC Season 41. AhnaldT101. GG is a database and squad builder for Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes on iOS and Android. So In the time and resources it would take to get SLKR, you could probably get both Revans, GAS and padme which will be much more useful for GAC and TB/TW. Executrix vs Executor Triple Attackers, SK vs Rey, SLKR vs Jabba +. Except, for Luke (squad arena only) Luke counters SLKR but it seems that he’s only successful when he uses GAS, JKL (the best 2 non-gl characters in the game), Revan (top tier Jedi). Supreme Leader Kylo Ren gear levels, materials and recipes for Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes! July 17. Grand Arena! GAS, SLKR & Fives! What Is This Team On Defense? Will I Defeat It? SWGOH! Grand Arena!. SLKR is the clear choice, assuming you're not close to one of the other 3. Against a double tank KRU and Malak, I can clear everyone except for SKLR and Malak (this is against the strongest/fastest SLKR team in my shard) on a regular basis. For those who value LS geo over gac I'd put Rey at 5 see at 6. Relic 8 vs Relic 9. SWGOH GAC Counters - Season 28 (5v5) Based on 368,644 battles analyzed during GAC Season 28. 8 subscribers. Try removing the cutoff (sets sort to "Seen")Stopped By The Great GL Killer Aphra! GG vs SK! Maul vs Dash Hondo! Aphra vs Jabba! SWGOH! GAC! Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes! Grand Arena! #swgoh #grandarena. Road Ahead - July 2023. 9% Commander Luke Skywalker Counters Seen 19396 Win % 90. . 1. Just finished off starkiller and profundity these past few weeks and need a new project to work on. . SWGOH. Add Unit. When To Farm SLKR? SWGOH. Let her gain Frenzy and act as a Maul-type "Imma go crazy every few turns" character. 3v3 Grand Arena Championship: Supreme Leader Kylo Ren, Wat Tambor and First Order Officer vs Jabba, Krrsantan and Embo. Viewing the 99th percentile of occurances. See my other SWGOH Counters - me on Patreon - me on Discord -. datacron*jabba counter w/trench*to my channel**On offence, there's not much more you can do with LV and you can't with SLKR. Against other GL no problem. Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes ·. In Geo TB, there's no special need for him. I always use the first special to stun a target as my opening move. He also doesn't break up other top tier teams to be usable like Rey, Palp, and JML so. GAC S eason 41 - 3v3 Win % You can click units to filter squads by that unit. 5v5 SLKR vs Jabba, Troopers vs LV, CLS vs Aphra, Raddus vs Iden, Omi Zorii + More SWGOH GAC Counters. This really sucks. Best. Loquitur SWGOH Chill Stream. -Geos are great if you have Mothma as well and use both on D. SLKR vs JKR lead JML and Wat Home; Search; Live; Content Creators; Smaller Creator Videos; Podcasts; Recent Videos; Trending Videos. Otherwise, good point. C. Tickets cap at 144. Need to Surpass 1823 Banners To Win! SLKR Is The Best vs Jabba! SWGOH! GAC! Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes! Grand Arena! #swgoh #grandarena. Active until February 20, 2023, these brown/tan & green datacrons are. Might have 1-2 left and GAS will get up. You can click units to filter squads by that unit. Palp and MJ are almost always used with him. 3) Just get the Sith needed to counter JML and use them with SLKR (although that would be a bit harder as I don't have Malak or both Revans) Help would be greatly. GAC S eason 41 - 3v3 Season 41 - 3v3;Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Arena Climb Supreme Leader Kylo Ren with Daka and Nightsister Zombie vs Jedi Master Kenobi with Ultimate and Commander Ahsoka Tano. However, while Territory Wars includes two players facing off in. Jolee may be used instead of GK. About : 2v5 GAS counter to beat Supreme Leader Kylo Ren in squad arena. Jabba and Aphra are also both useful for roe which my guild is starting to transition to, currently only replacing dsgeo with ROE. 1. Despite raid gear being more expensive in guild currency the difference in crystal price is much higher (1400 to 750) as you have already mentioned. 41706. July 6. Complete list of links below, including timestamps - Hi-Def version of GL Counter graphic -. GG is a Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Database and Squad Builder for the Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes app on iOS and Android . If Jabba the Hutt is in the allied Leader slot, whenever an enemy with less than 100% Turn Meter gains bonus Turn Meter, Hutt Cartel allies gain 7% Turn Meter (limit once per turn). Zam and Nute are G12. #gac You can support this channel by donating to the links provided. That combo can take Boussh out quite. And of course brute is there to take the insta kill. JKL vs SLKR, Red, Hux, FOST, KRU 25:53 EP, SK, Visas, Kanan, MJ vs Rey, Kuiil, IG11, BB8, R2 - SK vs Rey 31:45 Aurra, Bossk, Zam, Greef, Mando vs JMK,. Jedi master Luke Vs. Seen 30344 Win % 94. Seen 30344 Win % 94. View in GAC Insight. 64 % Greedo Speed: 221. Destructive Leader of the First Order who overpowers his enemies with brutal attacks. 5087 views 1 day ago 00:22:07. SEE - Tier 1. 21K. CG_Tusken_Meathead. LV Epic Fail vs Starkiller! 3 Non GL Counters take down GL's! GAC-SWGOH! Maul & The Mandos Beat JML! LV Epic Fail vs Starkiller! 3 Non GL Counters take down GL's!. 14:56 EP, SK vs Rey 19:07 SLKR vs Malgus 22:23 IT vs Jabba - Cleanup 27:09 Inqs vs JML 30:26 JML vs Traya, Savage 36:51 BH vs Raddus 39:23 BB. Like and Subscribe for more content!Galactic Legends Events in Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes were newly-added events taking place for the first time in 2020 that can be played at any time, but have very steep requirements. **SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL**Non Copyrighted Star Wars Music provided by Is The Best vs Jabba! SWGOH! GAC! Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes! Grand Arena! #swgoh #grandarena Timestamps:1:13 SL. Jmk/LV/Slkr have hstr solo teams, though LV and SLKR are a bit easier in my eyes. It is important to remember that the context of battle is always important to the result; while we are presenting the raw. Rey without Swolo I think JMK/CAT and Jabba are the two best GLs in the game. View in GAC Insight. 3. Soft Counter. Edit: to be clear its not just JML that I am curious about that was only an example, I just wondered if there was a resource anywhere like the counter graphics or sites. Stun GAS first with SLKR. Star Wars: Galaxy of. SWGOH GAC Counters SWGOH GAC Ship Counters Who To Attack Top GAC Squads Top GAC Leaders GAC Leaderboard Scan Player GAC Insight (Beta) SWGOH Jedi Master Luke Skywalker Counters Based on 2,288 battles analyzed during GAC Season 41. The poke removes the buffs the swipe removes ally debuffs.